gets inspiration from the work the first Africans that set foot in Boston accomplished. That 1638 cohort and one Dorcas de Blackmore of Angola created the FIRST BLACK COMMUNITY in the area we now refer to as Boston. Imagine that. Raw were the enslaved. They had nothing in the New World when they got here. They had been separated from family and their cultures. What they accomplished while enslaved in Boston America was Mind Blowing! African Americans today have it easy–much more easier than these amazing ancestors. This writer thinks about the Early Africans when I hear Boston Black folks complain about the things they are enduring today. Blacks are making a lot of money in town. Our GDP stretches over $2B a year. Boston’s GDP is $485B+. The African American word was just invented in 2000s. Boston’s Early Africans had no money. Still, the Early Africans built the first sustainable Black Boston community on Beacon when Roxbury was a cow pasture. Check out the origination story of Roxbury Day Zero on the the panels at Ruggle’s Station. So why is Roxbury and the Nubian Square area identifiable as the center of Black Culture? History has the answers for the question.