How we work A steering committee led by two co-directors coordinates the activities of the Assembly, with the assistance of volunteers, consultants, and experts in various disciplines. Two coordinators oversee the on-going activities of each category (visual arts, performing arts, literature) and a central planning committee coordinates major annual events. Volunteers assist with administrative, logistical and PR tasks. At this point joining the Assembly is an open process which requires only to provide basic information and participate in a couple of events every year. The Assembly offers referrals, responds to requests, participate in selected cultural events and initiate projects as well. Projects and programs are also submitted to larger organizations that share similar vision and goals. The Boston Center for the Arts, the Peace Gallery, the Museum of Afro American Artists, Hyde Park Arts Initiatives, the Menino Center for the Arts, Brockton Arts, etc. have provided venues for the Assembly to meet or to organize cultural events in the past. The central committee holds periodic planning meeting and submit them to the larger group to decide on future courses of action, select and plan upcoming events. Sub-committees may coordinate their own cultural events, with the support of the larger structure. Awards NA Products PAST ACTIVITIES AND COLLABORATIONS The Assembly has produced several events in collaboration with more than 50 cultural and social institutions in Massachusetts, Montréal, New-York, Miami and Port-au-Prince; to cite a few examples: Art exhibit at Boston City Hall/July 1995 Art exhibit and awards ceremony at the State House: Boston, MA, 10/95 Several TV programs on Boston Neighborhood Network / Tele Kreyol featuring members of the Assembly Art exhibit at Brandeis University/Winter 1996 Tribute to Haitian poet Jean-Claude Martineau at Faneuil Hall, Boston/April 1997 Conference on Haitian Creole, BU, 4/97 Art exhibit with the Brattleboro Museum and the Institute for Arts and Social Justice, Brattleboro, Vermont/ May 1997 Art exhibit at the Boston Center for the Arts/October 1997 Participation in the Mois de la Francophonie (French Consulate, March 1998) Art exhibit at the Boston Public Library in collaboration with the Haitian Consulate/ June 1998 Art exhibit at the Boston Center for the Arts/December 1999 TV tribute to Haitian author Félix Morisseau Leroy, Oct. 1999 Publication of the “Anthology of Haitian Poets in Massachusetts”/December 1999 Art exhibit at the Museum of Afro-American Artists, January 2000 Art exhibit at the Cambridge Multi Cultural Arts Center, April 2000 Art exhibit at the Peace Gallery, Newton, May 2002 Art exhibit at the University Gallery, Cambridge, Oct. 2002 Commemorating Toussaint Louverture, April 2003 Art exhibit, poetry reading, Hyde Park Arts Initiatives, December 2005 Book signing for authors Mario Malivert, Jackson Rateau and Ralph Germain, December 2006 “Douvanjou”, cultural event with Eritaj Foundation featuring Emeline Michel, Mirlande Rouzard and artists from HAAM to raise fund for Eritaj Foundation Celebration of Black History Month with Haitian Consulate of Boston, Feb. 2009 Tribute to Carole Demesmin, Haitian singer, Sheraton Hotel in Braintree, featuring Emeline Michel, Jean-Claude Martineau, B-Flow, Melanj, etc., November 2009 Earthquake concert “Artists for Haiti” (Carole Demesmin, Zili Mizik, Pierre-Gardy Fontaine, Toto Laraque) March 2010 “When Our Brushes Shook”: Multisite Haiti Earthquake Art Exhibit, Jan. 2011-May 2011 at Boston City Hall, Brockton City Hall, Lesley College, Menino Center for the Arts, Cambridge Health Alliance); “When Our Brushes Shook”: Haiti Earthquake Art Exhibit, April to May 2012, in collaboration with the Massachusetts School of Psychology and the Haitian Mental Health Network; Support for the Creation of the “Réseau des artistes de Jacmel” (Jacmel Artist Network) providing art supplies, stipends to run a children arts program and selling of Jacmel artsits artwork in New England Commemoration of the Haiti earthquake in Somerville (January 2013) “Haitian Arts in Transit”, Haitian arts exhibition at the Logan International Airport, January-April 2013. SELECTED MEDIA COVERAGE: Boston Globe South End News Boston Herald Haiti en Marche Haitian Community Bulletin of MA Bay State Banner Newton Life Boston Haitian Reporter Somerville Journal